“Distillation is nothing other than separating the subtle from the coarse and the coarse from the subtle, making the fragile or destructible indestructible, the material immaterial, the physical spiritual, and the ugly more beautiful.”
This is what the botanist and surgeon Hieronymus Brunschwig wrote 500 years ago in his "Liber de arte distillandi", the first printed manual on the art of distilling medicinal waters. Brunschwig followed the scholarly tradition of the ancient alchemists and had a holistic understanding of spirit and matter. He emphasized the importance of craftsmanship and practical experience in the art of distillation.
The mountain lavender distillation inspires us every year because it allows us to follow in the footsteps of the old distillers. A demanding and time-consuming activity because many components influence the quality of the essential oil: the filling of the alambique, the pressure and temperature and, last but not least, the duration of the entire distillation process. Good things take time. This includes SOAVO mountain lavender oil.