FARM TO SKIN: From organic farming project to premium organic cosmetics brand
Organic certification of the entire product range.
Launch of the new SOAVO website.
Exhibition stand at the world's leading trade fair for organic products and natural cosmetics BIOFACH/VIVANESS, Nuremberg. Start in the premium beauty store LILITH, Frankfurt.
Expansion of natural cosmetics sales in Germany. Launch in the German premium beauty stores TOBS Beauty and Greenglam. Launch of the SOAVO travel sets.
Launch of SOAVO natural cosmetics after 6 years of intensive development work: 9 products for FACE, BODY and APOTHECARY. Collaboration with partner stores & partner hotels. Our very first store partner: Traude Holzer, Neuberg an der Mürz Founder Erwin Krall as a guest on ORF (Good Morning Austria).
Product development of the natural cosmetics line. Trademark registration SOAVO by E. Krall in Alicante. New helpers in the lavender cultivation: our “mountain lavender” sheep (Shropshire). Mountain lavender harvest 2017.
Second mountain lavender harvest. Concept for our own natural cosmetics line with alpine plants. Awards at the THESCENTEDDROP.EU competition in the health and horticulture/agriculture categories.
Nomination of the MOUNTAIN LAVENDER PROJECT as a "Place of Respect". Organic certification of the MOUNTAIN LAVENDER PROJECT by SGS. First harvest after 3 years of intensive care & distillation of the first Austrian organic mountain lavender oil. Mountain lavender promotion in front of Belvedere Palace, Vienna.
First test distillation of mountain lavender oil and mountain lavender water. Development work on the mountain lavender culture: clearing and replanting.
First media reports on the pioneering project MOUNTAIN LAVENDER. Intensive plant care for mountain lavender cultivation on the steep slope in Upper Styria.
Founding of the MOUNTAIN LAVENDER PROJECT. Planting of 32,000 mountain lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) plants in July 2012. Founding of the company LEO-Lavender Essential Oil, Mürzsteg eU